Our Purpose

The Marlborough Neighborhood

The Marlborough neighborhood is a geographically defined neighborhood in Kansas City, Missouri that encompasses 2.5 square miles. In this area are 4,657 homes, 23.6% of which are vacant, 60-75% are rentals, and 45.5% have one or more substandard housing condition. The evidence supporting a correlation between neighborhood housing conditions and social outcomes is internationally well-documented, and locally well-evidenced.

The KCCLT (formerly Marlborough Community Land Trust) organizers sought to create an entity that could acquire dilapidated housing, fully rehabilitate the housing, and ensure that the housing could benefit members of the community long-term. 

KCCLT exists to:

  • stabilize low income communities

  • create quality and well maintained homes

  • ensure access to quality homes by low and moderate income home  buyers sale after sale

  • promote low and very low income populations to build generational wealth

  • ensure people of low and very low-income are not displaced as we see rapidly increasing home prices